Following the end of the Russo-Japanese War, The Japanese declared Korea was their protectorate and expanded their control over local institutions despite Korean opposition. 俄日战争后,日本人宣布朝鲜是他们的马仔,并不顾朝鲜人的反对,实际掌控了朝鲜。
Change of American Policies Toward Korea During Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War 中日、日俄战争时期美国对朝鲜政策的变化及其实质
When the Russo-Japanese War broke out, Japan started to grab Fuxin's coal resources which it had planned for a long time. 早在日俄战争之际,一直窥视中国东北经济资源的日本就把侵略之手伸向阜新煤炭资源。
Policies of Japan, Russia and America in Northeast Asia after Russo-Japanese War 日俄战争后日俄美的东北亚政策
Movement of Repaying Kindness in Japanese Countryside after Russo-Japanese War 日俄战后日本农村的报德运动
Theodore Roosevelt's "Balance Policy" toward Japan and Russia versus the "Integrity" of Northeast China: a study on the Russo-Japanese War 罗斯福的以日制俄政策与中国东北的完整&以日俄战争为中心的探讨
Since the Meiji reform, Japan went through the Russo-Japanese War, the World War II and the postwar reconstruction, and in the meantime, the country had its development strategies shifted from military power, prosperous country to peaceful pursuit of an influential economic power. 日本从明治维新、日俄战争、二次大战到战后重建与经济起飞,其国家发展战略经历了由强兵富国到和平谋求经济大国的转变。
ROK-RUSSIAN ECONOMIC COOPERATION: CURRENT SITUATION AND PROSPECT The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War on Sino-Korean Relations 俄韩经济合作的现状与前景日俄战争对近代中韩关系的影响
The Russo-Japanese War changed the situation. 日俄战争使这种情况开始发生变化。
Before the Russo-Japanese War, Russia is interests in order to intake in the Far East, the Far East policy has not been implemented easily, but after a very long time eventually formed. 日俄战争前,沙俄为了摄取远东地区的利益,一直推行远东政策,但沙俄远东政策并不是一蹴而就的,而是经过了很长时期才最终形成的。
Through the Sino-Japanese War, Japan got huge indemnities. The victory of Russo-Japanese War brought Japan wide colony and resources for its industry. The First-World-war exported Japanese commodities to the world markets. 日本通过中日甲午战争获得巨额的战争赔款,日俄战争的胜利给日本带来了广阔的殖民地和工业原料,第一次世界大战又为日本的商品打开了国际市场。
Japan in the Russo-Japanese War after the victory, breaking the prewar Russia exclusive northeast situation, into Russian according to its north, the south of the Japanese occupied share situation, its aggressive ambitions will further expand. 日本在日俄战争胜利后,打破了战前俄国独占东北的局面,变成为俄据其北,日占其南的瓜分局面,其侵略扩张的野心也随之进一步扩大。
The establishment of the first Anglo-Japanese Alliance had a significant impact on the international pattern in Northeast Asia, the Japanese competition with Russia occupy a dominant, daring to launch a Russo-Japanese War. 第一次日英同盟的成立对东北亚国际格局产生重大影响,日本在同俄国的竞争中占据了优势,敢于发动日俄战争。
During this phase, defeat in Russo-Japanese War made Russia to realize that its plan to dominate the Manchuria area would not be realized. 在这一个阶段里,由于在日俄战争中的失败,使俄国明白了向东独霸满洲的企图已经不可能实现了。